
Range of Values

The result of an absolute value gives us the magnitude of a value, which is always positive (equals to or greater than 0).

Absolute Value Definition

The absolute value operation drops the negative off any value, making all values positive.

Absolute Value Definition 2

Taking the absolute value of a number gives us the same result as squaring it, then taking the square root of the answer.

Absolute Value of a Product

The absolute value of a product may be split and instead performed on each factor individually.

Absolute Value of a Quotient

The absolute value of a quotient may be split and instead performed on the numerator and denominator separately.

Negative Absolute Value

An absolute value multiplied by a negative yields a negative product.

Absolute Difference

The actual difference between two values (disregarding the effects of negatives). D is the distance between points a and b when plotted on the Real Number Line.


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